


根據保險的條文,“全殘”視同死亡,因此無論壽險或是醫療險,在被保險人遭遇“全殘”事故時,將支付一筆 “全殘保險金” 給受益人,然後結束合約。也就是說,當被保險人“全殘”後,他除了可以領到一比一次性的金額之外,他接下來需要人家照顧的看護費、生活費、還有全殘之後的醫療費用,保險公司都不再給付。因此雖然“全殘”與“死亡”在保險上被視為相等,但在實際上卻有很大不同。

今年(2012)台灣出現了第一張含有全殘扶助保險金的保單。被保險人假如被認定為“全殘”,除了拿到全殘保險金之外,日後每年會領到保額的一定比例。以保額500萬,全殘扶助8%來看,若是被保險人被判定全殘,則日後每年可領到 500萬 * 8% = 40萬的扶助金,這樣就可以當作醫療或是生活費用了。雖然全殘後的生活費+醫療費可能會比健康的時候多得多,但這畢竟是一個開始,讓我們每個人都能夠更安心地活著。



Strength Finder 2.0 比較沒用,但是“靈山”卻是一本好書(還沒看就是了)
突然想到我三年前便很想要的書 "One Illness Away"
是個Duke University花了25年的研究

因此在好奇之下,我又問了One Illness Away


The Gossip

Apparently we've got too many news reporters than needed.
I've watched no news for the past 3 weeks and I felt I've missed nothing.
I did not miss the important news related to my profession.
I did not miss what's going on around the world, climate, and the newest research results.

And I avoided all the gossips, comments on endless list of foods, or hot chicks on the streets.

The Great Men

I love watching interviews with successful people.
Not only they are achieving, do things, but they seem to be capable of handling things I find difficult to handle.
They seem to make their livings with ease, resilient to criticisms, verbal or physical attacks, and they are certainly not bothered by people who cut in the lines or being rude.

If you were to ask me, I would love to be as influential as those people.
But I hope I would never have to read on newspaper about people commenting on what I am dressing or what I eat for dinner.


If I am to Leave the Last Words to the World.

Life itself is not the easiest thing in life. 

With everything you want in life, you need to demonstrate some capabilities to entitle you with the prize.
That creates a constant tests for you to demonstrate how much you worth - and you won't always know the answers to it. 

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is not a way to determine your social status quo, but more on your current goals in life. You are excellent if you have conquered all three levels in your one life, and you are very fortunate if the last layer is the sole thing you care in your life, and you are way beyond human levels if you can come up with your own set of goals in life and accomplish them without having to concern what others think of you.

If you were to ask me to leave any useful advises to you, I'd say: "under the prerequisite of not hurting others, figure out what is it that you really want in life, and use all your energy pursuing it. All others are secondary."

And good luck. I wish to hear your successful stories and I wish I could be the one welcoming you to the club of self-actualization.


Market Comment 2012 June 14th

[Markets and Investors]
German yield goes up while CDS narrows, indicating a high possibility that someone is shorting or clearing up its German government bonds. Rumors have it be Pimco. While Gold price still steadily goes up and stock steadily goes down, people right now still share a high lever of risk-averse'ness together.

 [Money Flow and Asset Performance]
Some anticipate that the lack of market confidence in the European government bonds will eventually get money back to US Treasury, then finds out the yield is so low (or even negative) that it's not even worth it. While much money has already gone into the high yield field, it's going to stay high for a while, but then the risk v.s. payoff isn't justified. The good news is that the banks are already tightening their lending, so even if European banks go into bust, the default rate should not change much into a systemic catastrophe. It is not yet clear whether the money will be rationally go into a good risk-return place like stocks now, given that institutions are slowly pacing their positions in stocks, while at the same time the stock market is gradually going down.

[Opinions on Investments]
Bond is still the safest way to go at this moment in time.
The Greek problem will be likely to last a long time, making people lose confidence in USD and EUR. The rise of the RMB (CNY) is not there yet, so the best choice is Gold
Stocks are gradually going down but the bottom will be reached at some point. Do notice that there are many firms with a good amount of cash in hand (like Apple) so they are not affected at all by the credit tightening. Retails may be affected by the overall economy. High-end luxury and technologies are very good buys.



這是 中文華爾街日報 的轉貼, 而我很大一部分也同意有些小朋友在過度資源下訓練出來後, 對人生態度的看法.
